Emanuele Barbeno
Compass Security
Emanuele has 10 years of experience working in the area of IT security and he is an IT Security Analyst at
Compass Security since 2019. As part of Compass Security's offensive security team, Emanuele conducts security
analysis of web applications, external and internal networks, cloud infrastructures, as well as Android
applications. Emanuele has responsibly disclosed vulnerabilities in different open source libraries and
products, among others in products from Microsoft, Alibaba and others and is also responsible for giving
various security-related trainings at Compass Security such as web application security and internal network
with focus on the Active Directory security.
Talk: Now I See You: Pwning the Synology
BC500 Camera
Yves Bieri
Compass Security
Yves has studied Computer Science at the ETH Zurich and holds a Master in Information Security. He has been
working as an IT Security Analyst at Compass Security since 2019. In his job, he performs security analysis of
web applications, external networks, cloud infrastructures, as well as iOS applications. Additionally, he is a
teacher for web application and Active Directory security trainings and has been presenting talks at security
conferences. In his spare time, Yves plays CTFs focusing on binary exploitation. He has won the Defcon CTF as
part of team MMM multiple times and is a Defcon black badge holder.
Talk: Now I See You: Pwning the Synology
BC500 Camera
Federico Cerutti
Hey, I'm Federico/ceres-c, a PhD student in Brescia. I graduated in Computer Security at VUSec Amsterdam with
a master thesis on Intel microcode voltage glitching and I like all things hardware and low level. My idea of
a fun evening is two friends in front of an oscilloscope 🙂
Talk: Voltage Glitching Intel Microcode
Andrej Danis
TU Wien
Andrej is a student of TU Wien finishing his Software Engineering & Internet Computing master studies. After
graduating in 2019 with school director's recognition from Gymnasium on Grösslingová Street 18
(Grössling-Gasse 18 / Grössling-utca 18), a prestigious gymnasium (high school) with extended teaching of
mathematics, he moved for his studies to Vienna. At TU Wien, his passion for cyber security awakened, and
thus, he decided to focus his studies, including his bachelor's and diploma thesis, entirely on cyber
security. Since 2022 he has been working at the Viennese Bosch Engineering branch as a Project Security
Manager, where he joined his passion for automotive with the knowledge of cyber security gained from his
university studies. Apart from studies and work, he likes joining hackathons and letting the creative
engineering spirit out. He is a winner of the "Advanced Technology" prize at the Tourism Technology Festival,
winner of 2 different challenges with two different projects at the Sustainista - Sustainable Blockchain
Hackathon, winner of the MasterCard Most Ethical Hack Challenge at the StartHACK Hackathon, and a runner-up in
the RBI OpenAPI Hackathon, Erste Group IT Hackathon, Resco MADHack Hackathon. In his free time, he works on
various projects like hacking a car instrument cluster, setting up his hacking infrastructure, or tinkering
with old game consoles.
Talk: Exploiting Smart TVs using the HbbTV
Robin Jadoul
Cryptographic Engineer @ 3MI Labs
Robin holds a PhD in Engineering Science from COSIC, KU Leuven, doing research on privacy-enhancing
technologies such as secure Multiparty Computation, Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Fully Homomorphic Encryption. He
is working as a cryptography engineer at 3MI Labs, living on the line between more cryptographic research and
applications thereof. Outside of research and work, he is also an avid CTF player with `organizers`, challenge
author (for competitions such as CSAW, ICC and ECSC), and admin of Cryptohack.
Talk: How to prove that 42 is prime
Hiroki Matsukuma
Middle Manager @ Cyber Defense Institute, Inc.
Hiroki MATSUKUMA is a middle manager at Cyber Defense Institute, Inc., where he leads reverse engineering
section. His main areas of interests involve vulnerability research and exploit development. 'House of
Einherjar', a GLibc heap exploitation technique used in CTFs, is one of his works.
Talk: Unawakened Wakeup: A New PHP Object Injection
Technique for __wakeup() Bypass
Satoki Tsuji
Cybersecurity Enthusiast, CTF Player and Bug Hunter. Contributed to the organization of SECCON CTF, took the
stage at Security Analyst Summit 2024 and AVTOKYO2020/2023/2024, and competed in the DEF CON CTF Finals.
Renowned for uncovering and reporting vulnerabilities in web services and softwares including Google and
Talk: Stealth Exposures: Advanced Side-Channel Attacks
Targeting Mozilla Firefox's Protocol Handlers